Keir Starmer

Contact Keir

Holborn & St Pancras Constituency

If you live in Holborn & St Pancras and would like support with a problem, or to share your views, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can check who your MP is here.

Please include your full name and address in any correspondence.

Click here to email
Phone: 020 7388 7862

We have a very limited number of slots available for face to face surgeries and our office deal with the vast majority of casework and policy correspondence by email and over the phone.

If you are contacting Keir about an issue with Camden Council, you may also wish to contact your local councillor. You can find their details here.

Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party

If you do not live in Holborn & St Pancras and would like to get in contact regarding Keir’s role as Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party, please email: or

Postal Address

Keir Starmer MP
House of Commons

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